We Have No Idea-A Guide to the Unknown Universe


Our understanding of the Physical World and Universe has many gaps, some small and some very large. The latter  put into questions many of the current hypothesis that try to explain the Universe, how it formed and to some degree our relationship within it. Some of the greatest minds of the 19th and 20th century have tried to fill these gaps of knowledge, but many still remain and actually grow larger!

The authors of the core book have put together a humorous explanation of what we know and understand of the universe and what the gaps in our knowledge are. Since the book was published in 2017, some recent experiments have brought answers, partial answers or more questions relating to the various topics.

The book is written for those who have little or no knowledge about the Universe, but would like to know how it affects our existence directly and indirectly on this watery sphere. Can you live a comfortable life not knowing about these problems? Does resolving them help civilization? Maybe we will find some answers to these momentous questions.

Weekly Topics

  1. What is the Universe made of? (Chap. 1)

  2. What is Dark Matter (Chap. 2)

  3. What is dark Energy?  (Chap 3)

  4. What is the most Basic Element of Matter? (Chap. 4)

  5. The Mysteries of Mass?    (Chap. 5)

  6. Why is Gravity so Different from the other Forces? (Chap. 6)

  7. What is Space? What is Time? (Chap. 7&8)

  8. How Many Dimensions are There? (Chap. 9)

  9. Can We Travel Faster than Light? (Chap. 10)

  10. Who is Shooting Superfast Particles at the Earth (Chap. 11)

  11. Why are we made of Matter, Not Antimatter? (Chap. 12)

  12. What Happened During the Big bang? (Chap. 14)

  13. How Big is the Universe? Is There a Theory of Everything? (Chap 15 & 16)

  14. Are We Alone in the Universe? (Chap. 17)


  • Core Book: We have No Idea-John Cham and Daniel Whitman. Riverrhead Books, NY 2017. Available from Amazon in all formats.

  • 13 Things that don't make sense - Michael Brooks- Doubleday, 2008

  • One, Two Three Infinity - George Gamow - Dover  Edition, 1988

  • A brief History of time - Stephen Hawkins - Bantam Books, 1988

  • The Mystery of Antimatter - Helen Quinn & Yossi Nir - Princeton University Press, 1988

  • Antimatter - Frank Close - Oxford Press, 2010

  • A Universe of 10 Dimensions - https://phys.org/news/2014-12-universe-dimensions.html

  • What is the Big Bang Theory - https://www.space.com/25126-big-bang-theory.html

  • God and the Atom - Victor Stenger - Prometheus Books, 2013

  • The Complete Idiot's Guide to Theories of the Universe

  • Massive, The Missing Particle that Sparked the Greatest Hunt in Science - Ian Sample, Basic Books, 2010

  • The Ambidextrous Universe - Martin Gardner - W.H. Freeman & Co. 1990