The Minds of Bloomsbury

The Bloomsbury Group has always fascinated people, mainly because of the personalities of the members.  What is often lost is their brilliance as thinkers and artists.  Rather than offering the usual parade of personalities, this SDG will examine the ideas of the members of this remarkable group of creative minds.  It will commence with an excerpt from G. E. Moore’s Principia Ethica, the foundation of the group’s world view.  We will also read Virginia Woolf’s Three Guineas, her brilliant essay on women’s equality; John Maynard Keynes’s Can Lloyd-George Do It?, his scathing critique of laissez-faire economics; the chapter on Florence Nightingale from Lytton Strachey’s Eminent Victorians, his innovative approach to writing history; E. M. Forster’s novel about homosexuality (unpublished during his lifetime), Maurice; and selections from Roger Fry’s Vision and Design, his ground-breaking theories of modern art.