The Last Time I Saw Paris

Paris in the 1920’s and 30’s attained mythic stature.  We will look at this period  through the memories and writings of five American writers who lived in Paris in the 1920’s and 30’s and three Americans who were in Paris’ worlds of entertainment,  jazz and music.   Of the writers, 2 are novelists (Gertrude Stein/Alice B Toklas and Ernest Hemingway), 2 are journalists (Janet Flanner and Waverley Root) and 1 is a bookseller and publisher (Sylvia Beach).  The Americans in the world of Paris Jazz  or entertainment are Josephine Baker, Ada “Bricktop” Smith and George Gershwin (Baker and Bricktop performed, settled and operated nightclubs in Paris and Gershwin composed “An American In Paris” in Paris in 1928).  Together and individually, they deliver humorous, nostalgic and unique personal memories of life in Paris in the 1920’s and 30’s - a palimpsest of a period and a place.