Shakespeare's Comedies at the Movies

All of Shakespeare's comedies end in community.  What a great way to celebrate our return to Plato!  

In this S/DG, we will spend two sessions per play, exploring and discussing seven of Shakespeares popular comedies. For the first week of the pair, we will read the comedy, and discuss the play.  Although these are comedies, they all have deeper issues including gender, power, politics and religion. 

In the second week, we will watch a selected movie version of that play, focusing on the screen attributes.   The films were produced between the years of 1993 (Much Ado starring Emma Thompson) and 2020  (Measure for Measure, a thriller starring Mark Winter).    All of the films listed are available on Amazon Prime, and each of the films has an Amazon 4+ or 5 star rating.  Needless to say, the plays are superb.