Saints and Sinners - A History of the Popes

The papacy is the oldest continuing organization in the world.  It survived the Goths, the Byzantines, the Protestants, two world wars and many challenges from within.  The popes themselves sometimes have been saintly, but frequently corrupt and immoral.  They have been elected to the papacy, purchased the papacy, and been prisoners and victims of the papacy.  

This S/DG will examine 2000 years of Western Civilizations through the lens of the most significant popes who led Catholicism.  We will discuss the eras, and popes from Peter and Paul to Francis, who, like his predecessors, commands world attention and has the ability to rewrite the dictates of the Church.  Although this is a religious subject, the focus will be secular and historical.  There are two core books, with selected readings from each.  Both books have a 4.5 rating on Amazon.  

Additionally, we will discuss current religious issues as a warm-up to our topic each week.