Is Civil War Coming to America?

This SDG seeks to examine the possibility of a second civil war in America and if so so how to prevent it. It makes use of two core books the first being Barbara F. Walter's How Civil Wars Start And How to Stop Them. Walter is a professor of international relations at the University of California-San Diego and an expert in the causes of civil wars. Her book examines the conditions in other countries that have led to the outbreak of civil war including the danger of anocracy or illiberal democracy , the rise of factions, the consequences of groups loosing status, and accelerants including social media that propel a dispute. The second book is by Stephen Marche and entitled The Next Civil War Dispatches from the American Future. Marche is a novelist and culture writer. He discusses a variety of scenarios which could give rise to the outbreak of civil war in the US. Through the use of the core books and additional materials this SDG will examine the current conditions in the US, the dangers facing the US, what a 21st century civil war in the US might look like and what can and should be done to avoid such an event.