Irving Berlin, His Life and Music


“Irving Berlin (1888-1989) has no place in American music, he is American music,” wrote Jerome Kern about the composer of “Alexander’s Ragtime Band, “God Bless America,” and White Christmas.” In a career that spanned nine decades, Berlin wrote some 1500 tunes. James Kaplan’s new biography (2019) “Irving Berlin: New York Genius” captures Berlin as he grows up in New York City as a self -made man and as a witty, wily, tough Jewish immigrant. With this core book, that has excellent reviews from the New York Times, we will explore Irving Berlin’s life and music. What motivated his songs? How did his music change America?

Weekly Topics

  1. Musical overview of Berlin’s work, New York City’s environment (1888 – 1898) and core book preface

  2. Ch.1: The Fugitive

    Ch.2: I have Discovered a Great Kid

  3. Ch.3: You can Never Tell Your Finish When You Start

    Ch.4: I Sweat Blood

  4. Ch.5: At the Devil’s Ball

    Ch.6: Play a Simple Melody

  5. Ch.7: I Wasn’t Much of a Soldier

    Ch.8: Work for yourself

  6. Ch.9: What Shall I Do

    Ch.10: Always

  7. Ch.11: Never Saw the Sun Shining so Bright

    Ch.12: Good God, Another Review

  8. Ch.13: Before They Ask Us to Pay the Bill

    Ch.14: Write Hits Like Irving Berlin

  9. Ch. 15: While the Storm Clouds Gather

    Ch.16: What is a War Song?

  10. Ch. 17: This is the Army Mr. Jones

    Ch. 18: To War

  11. Ch.19: And Back

    Ch. 20 There is America’s Folk Song Writer

  12. Ch.21: I’ve Never Been in a Tougher Spot

    Ch.22: We’ll Never Get Off the Stage

  13. Ch. 23: A worried Old Man on the Hill

    Ch.24: What Have You Written Lately?

  14. Movie: “This is the Army” available on Amazon Prime


Kaplan, James, Irving Berlin: New York Genius 2019 Yale University Press