Heartfelt Cinema

Films tell stories, often stories about love: who loves; who is loved; how the absence of love or presence of love affects us; what happens when loving goes well or goes wrong; how love is found; how love is lost.  In this SDG we will watch and talk about Heartfelt Cinema--about films that portray love.

Here are five of the fourteen films: In the movie “Tomorrow” is a lonely man who gets an unexpected gift, and gives a gift. “Dodsworth” is a pre-code film about an older husband and wife who are looking for love, or not, and are finding it, or not. In “Rumble Fish” the younger brother loves and idolizes his older brother, but the older brother knows better. “Cat People” is a fantasy that postulates love and sex as being transformative, but in a way no one wants. In “Leave Her to Heaven” love leads to jealousy, jealousy leads to hate, hatred leads to murder, murder leads to... 

We will watch these films and ten more. Come, join in the SDG, and talk about love.