Global Trends Shaping Humankind

This SDG is motivated by a 90-minute video interview of Daniel Kahneman and Yuval Harari entitled “Global Trends Shaping Humankind.” It will be supplemented by a recent article Harari wrote on the Ukraine invasion and a global trend it challenges. Kahneman is a psychologist and economist notable for his work on the psychology of judgment, decision-making, and behavioral economics, for which he was awarded the 2002 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences. He is a best-selling author of books such as Thinking, Fast and Slow. Harari is a professor with several best-selling books such as Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow. 

The key trends they discuss are issues such as computers increasingly making judgments that affect humans and whether humans will be able to control such powerful challenges.

The video will launch the SDG, with most sessions based on Kahneman’s latest book Noise: A Flaw in Human Judgment. The last few sessions will draw on other sources for alternative opinions on humankind’s future and how we can shape it.